“The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.” – Eve Burrows
I asked you in last Sunday’s post to share something for which you were thankful as a way to enter a drawing to win a choice of one my autographed books. I wasn’t surprised that nearly all of you mentioned family as a number one blessing. I have to agree with you on that. I am blessed with three beautiful children who have grown up and now have beautiful families of their own. This picture is from a few years ago when my husband and I celebrated our 50th anniversary. Darrell and I married very young. Too young really, but we made it through some lean years when money was short but the important things in life were ever plentiful. We had our love, our families, our church and the country life we both wanted. I’m sure many of you have celebrated the same joys in your life.
But while the love of God, family, church, friends, health, work and pets numbered in the responses to my last post, we can also count those everyday blessings of life such as children’s laughter that Hope mentioned. Sharing smiles with people we meet. The beauty of God’s world. Things like frost decorating grass blades or ice encrusted seed pods. Sunrises and sunsets. The moon eclipse that Janice mentioned seeing. A rain shower when needed. The beauty of snow drifting down to turn the world white. Flowers in the spring. The sweet scent of lilacs and the spicy odor of peonies.
I had an eye appointment this week and I told one of the technicians there how thankful I was for glasses so that I can still see clearly. And the same as Connie, I’m very thankful for good stories to read and even more thankful the Lord has given me stories to share with you readers. I’m also thankful for each of you who might tell a friend about one of my stories or write a review or ask for my book at your library or bookstore.
I have so many reasons to give thanks that as one of you said, i would never get through the counting of them. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at our little church last Sunday and wrapped up the evening by sharing some of our reasons for thanksgiving. Family. Church family. Our beautiful fellowship hall where we can have fellowship meetings. Our former pastor who went on up to celebrate in heaven this year. Our current pastor sent to us by the Lord. The bountiful food on our tables. We could have gone on and on.
We stayed with the big reasons for thanksgiving but we also have so many little moments of joy. Here are a few of mine. The sound of geese flying overhead. A mockingbird going through its repertoire. Electricity. Computers that make typing so much easier on the fingers. My dog buddies walking with me and then sleeping behind my desk chair while I write. A hot cup of tea. A chocolate bar. Sweet memories of growing up on a farm. Again, I could go on and on.
But now it’s your turn again. Leave a comment with a reason you are thankful right now this moment as Kristina did on Monday after her husband had come out not badly hurt after an auto accident that very morning or as Una did on the 17th anniversary of her cardiac arrest and the blessing of recovery and more years of life to enjoy. And as Natalya did for the blessing of rain.
To enter the giveaway drawing, you need to be at least 18 years old. I’ll pick a winner by random number next Sunday. If you commented on the last post and would like to comment again on this post, you will get another entry. I love hearing from you all. Winner will get his or her choice of an autographed copy of one of my books. Oh, and did I mention how very thankful I am to Revell Books that has given me the opportunity to fill this shelf with my books?
So count your blessings. And if you know the old hymn about doing just that, you can sing it along with Guy Penrod here. I’ll be choosing it for us to sing come Sunday. “Count Your Blessings” was written in 1897 by Johnson Oatman, Jr., who wrote over five thousand Gospel songs and hymns. We still sing some of them at our church including “Higher Ground.” That was one of my mother’s favorite hymns she would sometimes sing while she was cooking in the kitchen. Another blessed memory.
What blessing can you count today?
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. – James 1:12