Every day is some kind of special day on the internet. Actually, I think we should consider every day a special day – another day to live and love. But the special days I’m talking about are when somebody – I don’t know who – declares that this is “Ice Cream for Breakfast Day” or “Eat a Pizza Day.” I just looked up special days in February and found out that Sunday was “National Sticky Bun Day.” Today, Monday, is “National Cook a Sweet Potato Day.” Marley and Charley are ready for tomorrow’s special day “National Dog Biscuit Day.”
But in this post I’m still thinking about Saturday’s “National Love Your Pet Day.” If you are on social media, you probably saw a lot of posts of people’s furry friends or perhaps feathered friends or even scaly friends. I prefer the furry friends and I’ve had plenty through the years until now I have my sweet walking buddies, Frankie and Marley. Frankie has been enjoying the snow, running across the fields and breaking through the crusty top until he sounds like a horse coming toward you. Marley, lighter and with snowshoe big feet, whispers along after him. Of course Marley is going on ten so he walks more than runs. Sort of like me.
Here’s Frankie begging to go on one of those walks. When he thinks it’s time for our walk, you can’t talk him out of it. A great exercise motivator.
So, in honor of Saturday’s Love Your Pet Day here are some lessons in living life we can learn from our dogs.
1. When a loved one comes home, always run to greet them.
2. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
3. Take naps and stretch before rising.
4. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
5. No matter how often you’re scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends.
6. Be loyal.
7. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. (Great advice for writers.)
8. If someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
I’m a dog lover and there’s nothing that can pick up my mood better than a dog giving me that “you’re the best person in the world” look. Hope you all have somebody or some pet looking at you that way today.
I’ve written many furry buddies into my stories. Had one some years ago that was for kids that featured a llama. Most of the times my characters have a dog or a cat. Sometimes the pets even play a major role in the story. Sometimes they’re simply part of the family.
Book Giveaway
Just for fun, I’ll have a quick book giveaway this week. To enter, simply leave a comment here naming one of the pets you remember from one of my books or the title of one of my books that has a furry characters. Deadline to enter is Saturday, Feb. 27 at midnight EST. You have to be 18 or older to enter. One winner will be chosen by random drawing and prize will be the winner’s choice of one of my autographed books. I know some of you have read all my books, and you can’t know how much I appreciate that. But if you win, you can always gift the book to a friend.
Do you remember a furry buddy from one of my books? What was the pet’s name? Or what was the title of the book?
(P.S. You can help out your memory by checking out my books on my website. https:/www.annhgabhart.com/books/