Life is a mystery that unfolds its story to each of us in a different way at the right time. (Hermann J. Steinherr)
I’m sure you’ve heard people say that life is a mystery. But is it one we are supposed to solve? Perhaps we are just to tease a few secrets out now and again while the bigger mystery remains. As one of the gospel songs says, “Farther along, we’ll understand more.” But perhaps it’s good to keep some of the mysteries of life without figuring out all the answers. Maybe that’s what the Lord intended so we would trust Him for the answers.
And it could be the mysteries in life like bumblebees able to fly or how butterflies can go hundreds of miles to one particular tree every year, that those puzzles of nature awake in us a certain wonder and love of mystery. That love can sometimes carry over to what we read. We like solving mysteries, figuring things out, but then we also like it when the author surprises us with an unexpected ending but one that when we look back at the story, we think, yes, that’s the way it was.
I had a different kind of mystery today. Well, it was sort of a mystery. Unusual at any rate. I got an e-mail about one of my young adult books that went out of print years ago. A young man, now 35, told me that my book, Bridge to Courage, was the only fiction book he’d read from beginning to end and that was when he was in the 6th grade. I wrote back to tell him I didn’t know whether to be honored or sad that he had never read more fiction. He did claim to like the story so it wasn’t my story that soured him on fiction. At least I hope not. He’d read text books and got a college degree, but used summaries and Cliff notes instead of reading assigned fiction books in his classes. I personally can’t imagine not having the pleasure of reading fiction. So many great books through the years. How about you? Can you imagine having read only one fiction book in your lifetime?
But back to the Mystery giveaway pictures. The last picture tricked more people than I thought it would. If the picture I put up hadn’t been so fuzzy, I think more of you would have gotten it. I managed to get a clearer picture later that might have revealed enough to give it away. Amy almost hit it on the nose when she said manta ray, but it’s the small stingray instead. Maria also guessed an aquarium fish. Sandi and Kathi both thought puffer fish and Ola and Margaret guessed frog face or eyes. Margaret also guessed moon craters or a sheep’s head. She was covering all the bases. But Robin said lamb chop. Maybe the puppet, Robin? Linda claimed a white catfish. I liked Marji’s chocolate melting in ice cream. Peggy thought it was a rubber duck face and Wilma was feeling cuddly with her 2 puppies in a lap guess. Pat guessed a chest of drawers handle. I could see that. Connie was seeing things in a counter top and Evelyn was just using her imagination to see all sorts of things. But as I said it was a sting ray. Here’s a clearer picture of the close-up. Even shows a little tooth in the middle of its mouth. Then here’s the rest of the picture my daughter took at an aquarium.
Only this one more picture before I draw for the three winners on Sunday. (Lou Anne, if you read this, I never did get a return answer of my e-mail to you about winning one of my books in the last giveaway. So if you see this, please go to my contact link and send me a new message.) So I’m ready for your guesses. Remember the contest is open to everyone over 18. But whether you win or not, let me know if you’ve had fun playing my Mystery Photo Game and if so, we’ll do it again sometime soon.
As always, thanks for reading.